Mystic Spray Tan

  1. Buy 1 Get 1 Free Mystic Tan
  2. Expires in 30 Days
  3. New Clients Only
  4. Just Walk In!
  5. Create Your Own Signature Color
  6. with $5 Mystic Cartridge Add In’s:
  7. Bronzers, Scents & Balancers

UV Tanning

/10 Days
  1. Unlimited Level 2 Tanning
  2. Days Consecutive, New Clients Only
  3. Additionally we offer:
  4. 10 Days Level 3 for $39
  5. 10 Days Level 4 for $49
  6. 10 Days Level 5 for $59
  7. 10 Days Level 6 for $69

Custom Spray Tan

% off
  1. 50% Off First Custom Spray Tan
  2. Sprays Start at $65
  3. New Clients Only
  4. Call to Make an Appointment
  5. Four Solutions Available:
  6. Tahitian Glow, Dark Lava
  7. Fiji Rapid & Espresso Rapid $5

Join our Membership this month and Enjoy

days FREE!
  1. Get a FREE week of Tanning or Spray Tanning with Membership Sign-up
  2. Discounts on Products & Upgrades
  3. Free to Freeze Your Membership
  4. Manage Your Membership Online

Red Light Therapy

/10 Days
  1. Unlimited Red Light Therapy
  2. 10 Days Consecutive
  3. New Clients Only
Coming Soon!

Welcome to Sunchain Tanning

Get ready to rock that Sunkissed look with Sunchain!

Monday to Friday 7:00am - 9:00pm
Saturday 9:00am - 7:00pm
Sunday 10:00am - 6:00pm